Beauty in a new place

Posted: Friday, November 12, 2010 by Michael Elkins in

There are times we don't see beauty. We overlook it and ignore it everyday. I am probably more guilty of this than anybody else and I am really trying not to do this. What do you see beauty in? What should you see beauty in? Currently I am in Sandy, UT (just outside of Salt Lake City) and it is gorgeous! Words to describe it would be massive, breath-taking, overwhelming, beautiful, awe inspiring. Then, when I think about these words they are words that remind me of God and who He is. I think these some of these same things when I think about my wife and daughter (except for massive, that may get me in trouble). I guess what I am trying to get at is this: we wait for these "mountain" experiences to see beauty in life and in reality it is all around us. Maybe you find beauty in your work, I am thankful that I am able to do that. Maybe for you it is in your community, family, friends, or quiet places. Even as I type right now the sun is coming up over the mountain I am staring at out this window and it is beautiful. I see the sun everyday yet I rarely slow down to see the beauty of it. However, sometimes a change of scenery can help you to see the beauty in things and then remind you of the beauty you have all around you everyday. Maybe it isn't a trip to Utah, but a trip to a hiking trail or park to just sit and think. No cell phone, no PDA, no laptop, maybe even no Bible (I know I am crazy huh) Maybe you just need to go, sit, and listen. I know I need to do that more. If you want, share an experience you have had where beauty was revealed to you!