busy=no bueno

Posted: Thursday, October 28, 2010 by Michael Elkins in

Have you ever been busy?  I know dumb question, right?  When aren't we busy?  I know I am busy a lot, but I sometimes feel like I am busy for busy sake.  I am a bottom line kind of guy.  I like for somebody to tell me, "Here's the bottom line" because it helps me to really see the big picture.  So...here is the bottom line, life is about relationships.  Everything is founded on relationships.  Our main relationship should be with God, but also with other people.  I am really starting to see this more and more lately.  Way to many times I get so busy and don't see the people all around me that could use me and I could use them, and I don't mean the word "use" in a negative sense.  We need each other.  I was recently reminded about this with a friend of mine.  We were always really good friends and then business happened.  I moved, had a job that kept me busy.  He moved and life happened for him.  Needless to say when he needed me I wasn't there and just within the last couple weeks have I had the joy to reignite that friendship and talk things out! Honestly, it has been this great redemptive experience.  SO what is a friend? How do you get friends?  I mean real friends, not someone you just say hello to at work.  Here is a list, it is not comprehensive, but there are some ideas here.


So many times I talk to people and they are upset that so and so didn't call them or let them know something and my first question is, "Did you call them?"  "Well....no...but...".  It takes some effort, but the effort is worth it.


Why do we lie to each other.  When a friend asks us how we are we easily say, "I'm good"  when in reality we are hurting.  The Bibe talks about this is different places.  Proverbs 27:6 says, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend; But the kisses of an enemy are profuse."  Friends should be allowed to wound us.  We have to be ok with them being honest with us and telling us the truth and we have to be able to tell the truth to them...even when it hurts.  I had a pastor in MO that was excellent at this.  He did it in such a way that was full of love but he was always willing to be honest with you.


All the time.  Proverbs 17:17 reads, " A friend loveth at all times, a brother is born in adversity."  So many times we are friends with people when things are good.  However, the second they screw up we just push them aside.  This verse is basically saying, "If you want a really good friend get through that adversity with them."  It is in situations full of pressure that make that relationship stronger.  So, don't go through those pressure situations alone!  When a friend messes up, don't leave him/her high and dry.  Be there for them!


There are two verses that speak to this:  1)  Proverbs 27:9, "Oil and perfume rejoice the heart; So doth the sweetness of a man’s friend that cometh of hearty counsel."  Take wise counsel from your friends as well as give it.  In order to give good counsel you need to know what good counsel is, in turn, know what scripture says about certain situations.  2)Proverbs 27:17, "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend."  The thing to remember with this verse is that both pieces of iron go away from the sharpening changed.  This is just not a case of you telling your friend what he should or shouldn't do but it is a mutual process.  Are you willing to make it a mutual process?  

Like I said, this list is not a comprehensive list, but they are some strong ideas on friendship.  Please, don't be too busy for friends.  Slow down and grow because of it.  My final questions is this, "Who wants to be my friend?"  :)