Working Out
Posted: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Michael Elkins in
I hate these two words: "working out". I don't enjoy it. Not at all. I hear people talk about getting a "runners high", which is some mysterious euphoric time you enter when you really get into running and before you know it your run is magically done! HAHAHAHAHA! That has never happened to me before, possibly because my run never lasts more than 3 miles. If you saw me running it is anything other than euphoric. I am pouring sweat (I don't mean just glowing I mean shirt changes color due to the amount of sweat), slobbering, and breathing very heavy.
Then, if that is not bad enough after running it is time to lift weights. Now that I have spent every ounce of energy trying to run my behind on the treadmill I am now supposed to drag over to the weight bench and lift, push, or pull something. After all this I am spent. Done. The fact of the matter is, it takes work. There is no amount of sitting still and you just loose weight or build muscle. It won't happen. It requires effort...and a lot of it. Our faith I think is similar. It takes effort. I think a lot of us sit and pretend that it will just happen on it's own. If we go to enough church services, sing enough songs, or read enough verses we will be spiritual. Here is a question for you if you are married...does reading enough books= instantly better marriage? Does simply doing things out of habit=better marriage? No. Effort does. Sometimes the smallest thing means the most to your spouse or family. Jesus at one point basically says to the "religious" people, I don't want your acts, I want your hearts." Does God have your heart? Does he have all of you? or do we just give Him bits and pieces of us? Do we just give him our "actions"? This is something I have been thinking a lot about.
Then, if that is not bad enough after running it is time to lift weights. Now that I have spent every ounce of energy trying to run my behind on the treadmill I am now supposed to drag over to the weight bench and lift, push, or pull something. After all this I am spent. Done. The fact of the matter is, it takes work. There is no amount of sitting still and you just loose weight or build muscle. It won't happen. It requires effort...and a lot of it. Our faith I think is similar. It takes effort. I think a lot of us sit and pretend that it will just happen on it's own. If we go to enough church services, sing enough songs, or read enough verses we will be spiritual. Here is a question for you if you are married...does reading enough books= instantly better marriage? Does simply doing things out of habit=better marriage? No. Effort does. Sometimes the smallest thing means the most to your spouse or family. Jesus at one point basically says to the "religious" people, I don't want your acts, I want your hearts." Does God have your heart? Does he have all of you? or do we just give Him bits and pieces of us? Do we just give him our "actions"? This is something I have been thinking a lot about.