Photography & Creativity
Posted: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 by Michael Elkins inSo I wanted to share with you one of my passions and really one of the reasons it is a passion of mine. I love photography, there I said it. I love you. At the surface it may seem like I just love it because I like snapping photos, but I think there is more to it than just that. I really feel we were created to be creative beings. I mean simply the fact that we were "created" shows that being creative is in our DNA. I love seeing the beauty in images. The simple things that people overlook every single day. Things like the leaves passing into the fall and changing into brilliant colors, architecture, people actually being candid (some of my best shots come when people aren't even looking at the camera or don't even know that I am shooting), or simply things that have always been there that people over look. I love allowing people to see photos I shot and them say, "I have never seen that before", or, "You took this picture there?" It allows me to express creativity in my own life. I love being able to capture memories for my own family and for other peoples families as well. One day they will be able to look back at photos when there children were young and remember that moment simply because it was captured on film (digitally in todays world) and I was able to do that for them. Obviously it is simply a still photo, but when you look at it it's like it takes you to a different place. You remember things like where you were, who said what, the smells that were in the air, and how much love you felt at that time. There is really a couple things I want to encourage you to do...#1. Find some old pictures and look at them. Just look and remember. Allow yourself to be transported to a different place and remember as much as you can about that time. #2. Be creative. I don't care how you do it, but create. When was the last time you created something? Whether is be creating memories, something you built with your hands, music you created or any other of the billions of creative things we could do. I don't really want to be known as a person who did what somebody else did, I want to be known as a person who created and pioneered. What about you? I put some pics on for you to check out and see if they spark creativity in you. Some are pics of family, other people, or random thing!