Go BIG or go home pt.2
Posted: Friday, January 7, 2011 by Michael Elkins inNehemiah continued to face opposition, from outside the walls and from within, in fact the outsiders were hiring insiders to get Nehemiah to stumble. However, Nehemiah persevered and kept doing what God had led him to do. When we do something BIG for God there wil be times when you grow weary, beat down, and discouraged. But, we have to keep on keeping on.
Now we come to the completion of the wall, he is finally seeing his massive project come to a completion, at least the exterior wall, and what do we see happening? Now, it only took him 52 days to rebuild the city wall, which when you think about the task is pretty amazing, considering they had no modern day equipment, but in those 52 days a lot changed. you see as Nehemiah was rebuilding the wall he was ultimately rebuilding the Jews, as a people, and their relationship with God. You see sometimes God has us do things that don't seem to make sense but in the end they make total sense. After the wall was built they basically had a worship service, they read scripture all afternoon and the people lifted their hands and praised God...pretty cool scene to imagine! So in review...
1. Dream BIG
2. Repent
3. Be relentless
4. Do all with love
5. Give God the glory