The End.

Posted: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 by Michael Elkins in

"The End."  That would be an odd way to start a story right?  Is the end really the end or just the beginning?  The last week I have had some "run ins" with death.  Death always gets me thinking, about things that I should really think about more.  I think it does that for all of us really.  One run in I have had was with a young man of 16 that I didn't know but I wish I would have.  His family goes to our church and his little brothers our in our youth group.  He passed away a few years ago and I saw a memorial video on facebook that was great.  Everything I heard of this young man was great.  I wish I would have had the chance to meet him.  My other run in with death is an elderly woman who lived a great, full life and she passed away this week.  She was a substitute teacher of mine and the mother, grandmother, and great grandmother of a family in our church as well.  Seems odd to me.  One, seems like life was taken way to soon and the other was able to live a ful life.  Is their purpose in this?  I think there is.  We all have different paths, different roads we travel.  Some people still effect people with their path even after death, such as the young man I spoke of earlier.  Here's what I know is certain...when I die, which I will because we all will, I want my life to leave an impression on the world.  Not for the mere sake of someone saying I made a difference in the world at my funeral, but that I actually made a difference, for the good.  I want people to be changed because of what I was able, through God, to accomplish.  Do I believe in eternity?  Yes.  If I truly believe that than I should really be trying to effect people.  I really wouldn't care if anybody came to my funeral...actually I wouldn't mind not having a funeral, as long as lives where changed.  They were to busy helping others change to come to my funeral :)  How about this...lets just have a party, instead of a funeral for me.  How about a Hawaiian themes party, I liked Hawaii a lot :)  I am "officiating" my first funeral this week so I have been thinking about this stuff a lot. Sorry if I freaked you out, but maybe I freaked you out in a way that makes you think about your life and the difference, impact, or legacy you are creating.

Michael Elkins